Try Making Your Own Homemade Fudge Chocolate Pastry Tarts

February 8, 2022

Try Making Your Own Homemade Fudge Chocolate Pastry Tarts

Do you want a breakfast treat for this Valentine weekend? You can make your own pop tarts! These are so rich and fudgy! They have a wonderful deep chocolate flavor – you could also use them for a dessert or snack – yep – they are that good!

This recipe was the monthly baking challenge on Sally’s Baking Addiction blog, so the directions are very thorough and there is also a video to help guide you through the steps.

Such a fun recipe to try! It is one you need to start early – or the day before – because total time is about 4 hours, including the chilling. My favorite way to eat these is to warm them up in the microwave about 20 seconds – just enough to warm the pastry tart and to make it gooey! Happy Valentine’s Day!

For the recipe and complete instructions, click on the link below: