I love the fresh looks of spring all around the landscape. So many of my plants have a story behind them or special memory. Check it out.

Asparagus is the first garden vegetable to enjoy and what a treat! Growing up we usually steamed it and served with a creamy white sauce. Very delicious but now I also like it fresh from the garden with a vegetable dip or wrapped in bacon and grilled. My favorite way to eat asparagus though is roasting it in the oven. Simply wash the fresh asparagus, rub with olive oil and sprinkle with coarse ground pepper and kosher salt. Roast at 425 degrees for 10-15 minutes on a parchment or aluminum foil lined baking sheet.

My dad would often bring lilacs from the farm to the house for my mom. Sweet gesture that I have fond memories of so I have a lilac bush that always reminds me of his thoughtfulness. They smell so good too.

Part of the fun I have with my plants and flowers is moving and dividing them and filling in different areas. My phlox started out as a gift from a friend in a two inch pot and now it covers a large area and is beautiful!

Apple blossoms are always a welcome site and smell. I can almost taste the fresh applesauce already!

Now for the surprise-while I was outside I noticed a bunny and took a picture and was intrigued when I kept getting closer and closer and she didn’t move. Yes, my lawn needs mowed and yes, unfortunately, dandelions are also part of my spring scenery. Keeping it real.
Back to the bunny, she finally hopped just a few feet away to reveal why she hadn’t moved earlier.

Sweet surprise ending to a spring day at my home.