With outdoor temperatures quickly rising, it is hard to think about the cool temperatures of fall – but they will be here soon! I always thought once the July 4th celebrations were over, that the rest of the summer just flew by!

This Fallhouse Farm Quilt was made from a kit I purchased from Got Kwilts, several months ago. It features mainly Tilda fabrics, but I traded out a few of them to add more polka dots and just to add a personal touch. Our local quilt store, Crossroads Quilting, carries Tilda fabrics, along with idea books for using them.

Such a lovely array of colors and designs. Striped binding seems to be trending right now. I did add the black and white pumpkin stems to tie colors together. I enjoy being creative with the colors and trying new combinations. The bright turquoise backing was from Crossroads Quilting, and the quilt was quilted there.

It was such a pretty day! So I took the quilt outside for a little photo shoot around the yard.

Bright pink coneflowers are complimented by the pinks and purples in the quilt.

Old weathered benches and farmhouse quilts just seem to go together.

But quilts and rocking chairs are also a perfect match.
The pattern, Farmhouse Fall, was designed by Erica Arndt and is available on her website below:
This kit, along with other quilt kits are available at the website below:
The quilting always adds a personality to your quilts. This quilt was quilted at Crossroads Quilting at Cameron.