I love it when the daffodils and tulips start peeking out of the ground, it is a sure sign that spring is just around the corner and warmer weather is on the way! I planted these beautiful yellow and red tulips a couple of years ago and they are just gorgeous this year! I can’t remember the name, but the color combination really compliments the daffodils and grape hyacinths in our garden.

Spring flowers on parade – love the colors!

Tulips are so pretty in all stages from bud to full bloom. These are lovely in a vase, so bring some into your home to enjoy!

Bright colorful blooms!

These are inspiring me to plan ahead and order bulbs to plant in the fall. I recently took photos of our gardens so I will know where to plant the bulbs when they arrive at the end of summer.

If you like take garden photos – or other photos – you might want to try the Photo Room app. This is the photo above with a white background. The Photo Room app easily erases the background of a photo on your phone and gives you so many options to add a variety of backgrounds and text. Have fun playing in the dirt, in your garden and on your phone! Enjoy!