Tag: Espresso

Bake Rich and Fluffy Chocolate Sweet Rolls

Bake Rich and Fluffy Chocolate Sweet Rolls

This month the Baking Challenge on Sally’s Baking Addiction blog was to make Chocolate Sweet Rolls – and they are scrumptious!!!! They taste like cinnamon rolls and chocolate babka mixed together. And they smell amazing as they bake – always a bonus when you bake…

Double-Shot Mocha Chunks

Double-Shot Mocha Chunks

Fresh from the oven – gooey mocha chunk cookies! My sister, Laurie, sent me this recipe last week. She had just made them and said that they were amazing. These remind me of the Brownie Drops we used to make as kids, but these are…

Brownie Espresso Bites

Brownie Espresso Bites

Look at at these cute little Brownie Espresso Bites! My sister, Laurie, gave me some of these last year at Christmas, along with the ingredients to make my own, as a gift. What a fun present!

The recipe is found on A Farmgirl’s Dabbles Blog – https://afarmgirlsdabbles.com/espresso-brownie-bites-with-kahlua-buttercream-kisses-recipe/

I followed the recipe above, but did omit the cinnamon on the top. If you love coffee flavor in your desserts, you will really enjoy these!

I was in a hurry, so my piping leaves a bit to be desired, but the flavor is the same. Cute gift or fun to have out on your Christmas Day or New Year Eve’s snack table.

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!!!!