Tag: Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

From our homes to yours, we wish you a wonderful holiday season filled with friends & family, fun times and delicious food. Enjoy & Create Memories!

Make Easy Sugar Cookies to Start Your Holiday Baking

Make Easy Sugar Cookies to Start Your Holiday Baking

These Mud Pie dishes say”Oh what fun” and “It is beginning to cook a lot like Christmas!” and the whisk says “Merry Whiskmas.” Aren’t they cute? It is the holiday baking season! These easy to make and decorate sugar cookies are from the Pioneer Woman’s…

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

We had a beautiful snow this morning! All the Christmas decorations look so pretty! And it really puts us in the mood for Christmas! A good day to snuggle under a blanket and watch a good movie or a football game.

From our home to yours – wishing you a holiday filled with family, fun and good food! Merry Christmas!!!!!

Christmas Decorations

Christmas Decorations

Oh what fun it is to play! I first starting collecting the whimsical Williraye folk art figurines when I was in my thirties…now thirty years later – I have quite a collection of these charming pieces. The Santas and the snowmen are my favorites. The…

Home for Christmas

Home for Christmas

Only two weeks until Christmas! Do you have your Christmas decorations up? I really like getting out the Christmas decorations and then enjoying all the memories that go along with them. Remembering those special gifts and all the fun the kids had with the decorations…