Don’t these look perfect to have to snack on during the holidays? Cute little brownie bites with milk chocolate morsels, swirled peppermint squares and mini marshmallows mixed in the batter and then used for the topping too!

The recipe makes 24 brownie bites, baked in a mini muffin tin. The recipe is on the back of the bag. The morsels are divided before mixing.

Looks so pretty it could almost be a screensaver! Holiday in a bowl! You mix up the brownie batter, then mix in some of the Morsels and More.

Scoop the batter into greased a greased muffin tin, you will fill the muffin tin to the top. Decorate each with Morsels and More. All ready to pop in the oven!

The aromas that fill your home definitely smell like Christmas!!! The mini marshmallows start to look toasted and the chocolate morsels slightly melt into the matter . YUM! Let them cool in the pan – well – maybe “test” a few while warm!

Quick and easy! These would be fun to make with kids!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas full of family, friends and wonderful food and memories!!!!!!