All the recent snow and freezing weather have our Missouri birds searching for food. We have nine feeders in our backyard and we have really enjoyed watching the birds as they fly in and eat their treats. We fill our feeders with with a variety of types of bird feed including Wild Bird Seed, Black Oil Sunflower Seeds, Finch Food and Mealworm Snacks.
Even in town, we get such a variety of birds – cardinals, blue jays, purple and yellow finches, juncos, downy woodpeckers, sparrows and an occasional starling.

We got started on our bird watching kick about a year ago when our youngest daughter gave us a clear acrylic window feeder, like the one above. I put the feeder on the window by my computer. It is so interesting to see the variety of birds that visit.

We enjoyed it so much I put two more on our living room window. Sometimes there will be five to six birds in each feeder. They are easy to fill and it is so fun to watch the birds up close.
The ones we have are from Amazon, but they are also available at discount and farm supply stores.

Adding a heated birdbath gives the birds a drinking source – and it is fun to watch them get in and play in the water.

The bird feeders in the garden attract lots of visitors. We have the bird feeders placed so we can see them from our windows, that way we can really enjoy watching them. Start with a few feeders and soon you will have a wonderful new hobby! Enjoy!