When our kids were little, many of my friends were making beautiful scrapbooks for their children. They created works of art for each of their children with wonderful colors, frames, tags, buttons and bows. I admired their talents, but I knew I would never get around to doing that…especially for four children.

So I came up with an easy way to collect their special papers, artwork, class announcements, awards, newspaper articles, etc. I used 3-ring binders and then used clear sheet protectors to slide the memorabilia into. It made it easy to add pages to or rearrange pages.

Starting with Preschool, I starting saving their projects. What is cuter than preschool projects? I did notice that it was the biggest binder for John! We had a drawer we always put all the school papers in once we had looked at them. Then about once a month, or so, I would go through them and decide which ones to keep. I also included doctor checkup sheets, special cards from grandparents, and newspaper articles about family members.

Certificates, diplomas and special awards that they received for each stage are in the binders.

I love looking through these! John was in an ad for his Dad’s dental office, shortly after he opened his office in Cameron. There are so many things that we could forget about if we don’t have a somethings saved to document it.

I liked to include examples of the homework that they did at each stage for each class, but the creative stories are the ones I enjoy the most.

It is interesting to look through the binders, as I do I can almost see John growing up and can watch the progress made at each grade.

Special projects, classes, extracurricular activities and summer activities are also good to include.

I saved all their athletic letters and special recognitions. Certificates from other activities are also in their binders.

Newspaper articles are always fun to look at. Fortunately when our kids were growing up school events were often featured in the local paper.
Another way to capture memories that is so easy! Buy a 3-ring binder and some clear protective sheet covers. Then just start saving special papers, photos, certificates, etc. Easy!
As you may have guessed, my children have more “treasures” than they ever knew! But it does a momma’s heart good to sit down and look through these books of memories. So many good times! Enjoy!