I love decorating the house for Christmas! It is so fun pulling out the boxes of decorations and thinking about our favorite ones and the memories that go along with them. Nostalgic decorations are mixed in with new ones each year.

Mark’s mom collected Carolers, and we started collecting them when the kids came along. We have added to our collection over the years, so this is the grandparents, Mark and I and our four kids. Now when our children get married, we give them carolers. Then as they add dogs – and babies – we add to their collection.

I did this Christmas counted cross stitch design the second year we were married, when I was working at Harper’s Fabrics in Kansas City for their holiday show.

The winter before our oldest son was born, I took a class and painted these three Santa’s. They are some of my favorite Christmas decorations.

One Santa has a Christmas list for the Carrs!

I love the color and textures of these Santa’s.

So many presents for Santa to share!

Mark’s parents gave us this music box years ago.

I have collected Williraye figures over the years. Such cute folk art Christmas decorations.

Mud Pie dishes are another favorite of mine.

Red and white Mud Pie little bowls sit by the snowman on a kitchen shelf.

These little candy houses add a pop of color in the kitchen.

Mark’s sister, Kari, gave me these cute little mice to add to my collection this year.

This Williraye nativity scene is so special and we get it out every year.

Santa’s of many designs are throughout the house. From big to small, I love them all.

This Santa has been with us for about 20 years – love the little Teddy Bear hanging down from his arm.

Little white lights are in almost every room! And I leave them on almost all the time. I love coming downstairs in the morning when it is still dark and seeing all the little lights highlighting the Christmas decorations. So even though Christmas will be different this year, I still put up Christmas decorations because it just makes me happy to see them.

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!! May you have a joyful and peaceful holiday season and a healthy new year!