The Mimosa Trees Are Blooming

August 17, 2021

The Mimosa Trees Are Blooming

I forgot to take a picture of our Mimosa Tree when it was in full bloom, but it still looks really pretty! This is a fast growing tree and it is tolerant of our cold Missouri winters. The blooms appear between May and August on the tips of the branches. It is also called a Silk Tree.

The Mimosa Tree has very unique leaves – almost a tropical look. The pink blooms are shaped like round tassels. They are very showy and have a strong, sweet fragrance.

The pink fluffy flowers are a good nectar source for pollinators. They attract honeybees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

So pretty, but I do have to say that they do make a mess when the blooms and seed pods drop. They are also considered an invasive tree. So you have to weight the advantages and disadvantages…but I like the pop of pink and the beautiful green foliage that our tree adds to our landscape. Happy Planting!