Just looking at Shasta Daisies makes me smile! Don’t they just look happy? The robust blooms with the all-white petals with the bright yellow centers are like rays of sunshine in your garden. Their beauty is enhanced by the contrasting dark green leaves.

These daisies are a classic perennial. For the best blooms, grow in full sun in well-drained soil. They tend to bloom in clumps from 2-3 feet tall and 1-2 feet wide. They are terrific for cutting and also attract butterflies. They are not invasive.

These are easy to maintain and divide. You can divide the daisies in early spring or late summer, usually only necessary every 3 to 4 years. After the first hard frost, cut the stems back to about 1-2 inches tall. They will return every spring or early summer and bloom until early fall.
A wonderful perennial to add to your flower garden. The daisies are beautiful outside, or bring them inside and make a bouquet to brighten your home. Either way, they will bring a smile to your face. Enjoy!!!!
Source: Old Farmer’s Almanac