English roses are so beautiful! They are also called David Austin roses, because they were created by Englishman David Austin. They are the perfect compliment to any garden.

Most of the English roses have soft, cupped blooms with many petals, looking almost like a peony.

These roses feature an heirloom rose fragrance combined with modern disease resistance and a reblooming habit. They come in shrub and climbing varieties to suit any garden space.

When you plan your plantings, consider adding complementing flowers, such as these blue geraniums, to create beautiful contrasts.

English roses come in range of colors – pinks, whites, yellows, apricots and reds. As you look at English roses in the stores, you will probably have trouble deciding which ones you should take home. So many gorgeous colors!

English roses are wonderful cutting flowers. They are delicate, so it is best to cut them while they are still in the late bud stage so you can enjoy them longer in your home.

Most resources recommend fertilizing English roses at the beginning of the season and then once after they begin blooming.

To prune these roses, simply prune them to a shape in early spring. If you want a smaller plant and larger, but fewer, flowers, prune it back farther. If you want a larger plant for landscaping with smaller (but lots more) flowers, just prune off the damaged tips or to shape. Always prune off dead blooms to encourage more blooms, and remove all of the dead blooms at the end of the fall season.

It is best to plant English roses in the fall or early spring, so now is the time to start planning what roses you want to plant this fall to enjoy next spring.

Have fun shopping and planting! Enjoy!