Pink roses are so elegant! These just look perfect after a gentle rain. Several years ago my husband designed and planted rose gardens for our backyard and now we enjoy adding to our collection.

These pink roses look so sweet and joyful! The soft silvery pink is so beautiful!

The pink roses look so pretty against the white trellis and the wooden fence.

These roses just look happy! Make sure you occasionally cut some roses to bring inside, so you can enjoy them even more.

Roses are one of the most popular and loved flowers of all times. They usually start blooming in the spring and they will continue to bloom up until the first frost.
Deadheading the roses will encourage more blooms. I usually prune the old blooms off down to the first 5-leaf junction with the cane at a slight angle leaving approximately 3/16 to 1/4 of an inch above that junction. The amount of cane left above the 5-leaf junction helps support the new growth and future bloom.

I usually fertilize ours in the fall, summer and spring. Spraying with a triple action spray (insecticide, fungicide and miticide) helps control insects, diseases and mites. It has also been effective in keeping the Japanese beetles under control in our yard.

We planted this rose several years ago and the tag is long gone, but I think it might be a Cecile Brunner rose.

I love how the same rose changes its appearance as it matures, from the gentle bud, to the opening rose to the clusters. All of the roses pictured here are from the same rose, just taken at different times during the summer and fall.

Last year I took this photo right after the first snow in late fall – so pretty. It is one of my favorite rose photos.
Take time to enjoy your garden and flowers! Take pictures of them…you don’t need a fancy camera, all of these were just taken with my phone. Bring them inside to enjoy the beauty and smell…and share with your neighbors.