Peach Drift Roses are just so lovely!!! I know that soon we will have a hard freeze and fall will turn into winter, but until then I will continue to enjoy these beautiful flowers. When I was mowing the yard yesterday, I stopped and took these photos, they were just to pretty not to take pictures of them!

Drift roses are a cross between groundcover roses and miniature roses. The result is a compact rose that works well in pots, landscape beds, borders or as a groundcover.

These dwarf shrubs usually grow 2-3 feet wide and 1 1/2 feet tall and have soft peach blossoms from mid-spring to the first hard freeze.

One thing I love about these roses is how the bloom changes as it matures. Just look at those lovely peach blossoms, that turn light, then to a darker pink.

These have a strong disease resistance. If you deadhead during the blooming season, it will encourage new blooms.

It is not necessary to prune these roses in the fall or winter. You can prune them in the spring.

As the blooms mature they take on a totally different look! The dark pink and white blooms often have small dark pink polka dots. Such amazing roses! You may want to add this to your gardens! Enjoy!!!