When we first moved into our current home, about 25 years ago, the previous owners (the Arnolds) had beautiful flowers everywhere in the yard! They had pots of gorgeous flowers by the front door and on the patio, and striking gardens in the back yard! One of these flowers that I really liked was the Martha Washington geraniums. I had never seen them before and fell in love with their colorful blooms and bright green ruffled leaves.

These geraniums have large, brightly colored flowers and the top two petals often have a bolder color or a contrasting pattern. They are available in shades of pink, lavender, burgundy, purple, white and salmon.

To keep them blooming all summer, it is important to deadhead the blooms regularly. The best way is to cut or snip the entire flowering stem off the plant. Allow the surface of the soil to dry between waterings.

These geraniums were very popular in the early 1900’s. These geraniums are named after the wife of the first president of the United States, and they are also called Regal Geraniums.
Incredibly beautiful flowers! Enjoy!