Growing Cucamelons

September 25, 2019

Growing Cucamelons

Do you know what cucamelons or Mexican Sour Gherkins are? I had never heard of them until my daughter gave me some to plant in my garden. She started them from seed and they were quickly growing and needed garden space.

They grow best in full sun and really need a trellis, fence or some type of support. This is what they look like in early summer when their vines start growing. The have small leaves and tiny yellow blooms. By the way -all of this is from two plants!

This is what they look like in late summer! Wow! They grow fast and the vines are deep. You have to lift up sections of the vine to see and pick the cucamelons.

The cucamelons (or Mexican Sour Gherkins) are shaped like baby watermelons. They are about one inch long, about the size of a grape.

They have a cucumber taste, with a touch of citrus flavor.

They are delicious added to salads and just to snack on. They would make adorable garnishes on a charcuterie tray. They can also be pickled.

This could be a new item to add to your garden next year. It could also be a wonderful “cottage vine”, next to your potting shed. Enjoy!