Add charm to your landscaping with old-fashioned Morning Glories. They are one of the easiest flowering vines to grow.

The Morning Glory colors are vibrant and range from pink, purple-blue, magenta to white. The blooms have beautiful trumpet-shaped blossoms.

Morning Glories grow best and bloom more when planted in full sun. Their big colorful flowers often attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

The vine grows VERY quickly – up to 15 feet in one season. Morning Glory plants were planted on this side of the fence.

And then it grew over the fence to the other side. They can self-seed easily too. So choose where you plant it carefully – it can take over! You will probably get them coming back in the same spot, year after year.

Use them to create a rustic old-fashioned garden scene.

If you want a flowering vine to cover a fence, trellis or arch, this would be a great choice. You can also use it for a groundcover.

Morning Glories are drought-tolerant and bloom from early summer to the first frost.

How gorgeous! Find a support for these old-fashioned beauties to grow and watch them grow and bloom in your gardens next year. Enjoy!!!!