Enjoying Herbs

June 4, 2020

Enjoying Herbs

It’s been a while since I planted seeds for my herbs and weather here has been pretty wet and cool for much of the growing season but finally I’m able to step out the door and cut fresh herbs to season with.

A friend gave me these herb scissors and the multi blades are very nice and the cleaning brush is helpful as well.

Fresh dried herbs are also so much better that ones purchased at the store. I use my dehydrator any time I have more herbs than I can use fresh. I usually like having an uncluttered counter but I keep my dehydrator out because it is so convenient even for a small amount.

Simply put herbs in dehydrator and dry. Times are variable depending on the amounts and types of herbs. I will allow about 30 minutes for this batch of parsley.

I strip the stems off and store in glass jars. The fresh aroma will be a treat every time the jar is opened!