Do you have a garden? For most of my life, I have been gardening. I have found that the reason I garden has changed over the years. This is my little garden now – it has a variety of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cantaloupe and a variety of herbs.

When we were growing up the farm, it felt like we gardened all summer. Not only was gardening a way to feed a family of eight, but also was a way to keep six kids busy! We had a corn garden, a tomato garden in addition to our regular garden. The main garden had lots of green beans, lettuce, radishes, squash, and variety of other vegetables. Plus we had an orchard and a few grapes. Just up the road my grandparents had a potato garden, an orchard and grapes. We planted, weeded, picked and preserved. By the end of the summer, we had two freezers and a basement full of food.
But through all that I did learn that I preferred to be outside – even in the hot heat. I would always choose working in the garden or mowing the yard to cleaning house, and I am still that way.

Now I garden more for the creativity and fun! I love going to the nurseries and picking out plants (I rarely use seeds anymore – just for a few flowers). It is fun to play in the dirt! Getting out the tiller and turning the soil means spring is almost here! As I till I think about what I am going to plant where.

Is there anything better than fresh tomatoes from the garden and the first BLT of the season? I also like to make salsa to give as gifts. These cherry tomatoes were grown by seed by my daughter. I love watching my grown children in their gardening adventures. They often start their plants from seeds and nurture them until they are ready to plant in their raised bed gardens. They grow a wide variety of plants – from kohlrabi to asparagus to heirloom varieties of tomatoes.

Herbs are easy and fun to grow – plus many are so pretty! They can be combined with flowers to make bouquets. Being outside and working in my garden always brightens my day. I think is it good for your soul! Gardening boosts your mood and just makes you feel happy!

One of my favorite herbs is basil. Not only is it a flavorful addition to many sauces and caprese salads, basil smells so good! I like to cut a few sprigs and put them in a vase by my kitchen sink. Love that fresh smell!

This is a pineapple sage plant, which will have bright orange blooms. I like to plant some different plants each year, just to play.
Gardening can be a way to supplement your family’s food supply – using fresh produce or preserving food for the winter months. Gardening can also be a source of creativity, fun and a stress reducer. You can share your produce with others or make gifts to share from your garden. Perhaps the best reasons to garden – you get to play in the dirt, enjoy the sunshine and it will make you happy! Enjoy!!!!!