Drying Cayenne Peppers

October 12, 2019

Drying Cayenne Peppers

Cayenne peppers are wonderful to dry and use throughout the year. There are a few methods to dry cayenne peppers such as in the oven or dehydrator but I prefer to dry mine naturally indoors. It’s very simple and I like how the peppers look in my kitchen.

I had previously used a string and threaded the peppers to dry but then decided this method of baker’s twine and tiny clothespins works much better. The peppers can be switched as they dry with fresh peppers.

It’s important to place the peppers in a sunny spot and make sure there is enough air between them. Watch for any spoilage but unless the air is extremely humid it will not be a problem.

When the peppers are dry and brittle chop with a food processor, blender or any type of mill that gets the desired result. I prefer to keep mine coarse so I use a small food chopper.

Store in glass containers. These will have much more flavor and be hotter than red pepper flakes purchased in a store so keep that in mind the first few times they are used.