Chives  – Garlic and Onion

August 28, 2019

Chives – Garlic and Onion

Did you know that there are two different kinds of chives?

The onion chives, are the “common” chives, and are the most popular. They, of course, taste like onion. The onion chives have purple blossoms and are hollow in the middle. (photo from Pixabay)

Garlic chives are also known as Chinese or Asian chives. They have flat stems with white blossoms, and taste like garlic.

Chives are perennials and will grow about 1 foot tall. They are easy to grow and do well in light to full sun.

Chives are often chopped and used in salads or as a topping on baked dishes. The blossoms are edible, too, but they are stronger tasting than the greens.

Use the blossoms as a garnish, but discard the green it grows on, it is too tough to eat once the plant blooms.

Chives are a great addition to herb gardens, flower borders and vegetable gardens. Enjoy!