National Gardening Day was yesterday, April 14th – but you can celebrate whenever you have a chance! My Grandma Steinhauser loved gardening and she taught me so much. Not only about the planting and tending to the garden and flower beds, but how to really enjoy gardening. She loved to walk around her gardens and just look at her beautiful flowers and to tell us about them. So many happy memories. My sister remembers that Grandma would always hold our hands as she talked to us about her gardens.

This time of year is when we can start planning our gardens. No matter what space you have, there is somewhere you can do a bit of gardening and play in the dirt! My daughter had this little garden in her loft apartment. She started the plants from seeds and then she shared many of them later with me and I planted them in my garden.

A pot on your patio can be used to plant some of your favorites – including herbs, tomatoes or flowers. I loved having these herbs right outside by back door so I could just run out and clip a few while I was preparing a meal. I love walking through the plant nurseries and greenhouses this time of year – so many beautiful plants – and that wonderful smell of spring!

You can use a fence as a background for flowers, sunflowers are another of my favorites.

Borders can be so gorgeous. I really like these double knock-out roses that border our sidewalk in front of our house.

I had one little patch of yard that I had to get the push mower out for – so I tilled it up and turned it into an herb and flower garden.

Growing up we had huge gardens, but now I have a small garden- so I can have fun playing. I love being outside, the sunshine is good for our souls. And you get physical exercise when you dig, hoe, plant and weed.
You are never to young to enjoy playing in the dirt! My daughter gave our grandson, Berkley, his first little garden. I hope you enjoy your gardening adventures as much as he does.
So plant some seeds, plan your garden, buy some plants, visit a greenhouse, or just enjoy all the spring flowers and trees as you take a walk or a drive. Enjoy the Spring and Happy Gardening!