Create Handcrafted Wooden Toys For Your Grandkids

February 17, 2021

Create Handcrafted Wooden Toys For Your Grandkids

Traditional wooden toys are loved for their classic look and feel. They just never go out of style. I have always loved wooden toys, but I had never tried to make them. But now with a grandson, I am inspired to try new projects. I decided to make a simple vintage design for my first project.

My husband has a woodshop, so there were plenty of scraps of wood for me to choose from. Traditionally wooden toys are made from pine, maple, beech and cherry woods, but consider exotic woods too – like rosewood or zebrawood.

Safety is the number one concern when you are making toys. Consider the age of the child that will be playing with the toy and make certain that it will be safe for them. Make certain the wood is sanded smoothly, that there are no small or loose parts and that the finish is safe.

Kids explore their world using their mouth, so of course, this toy went right to Berkley’s mouth. On wooded toys you can skip the finish, which is often done on blocks. Food grade mineral oil or creams will also work as finishes. If you want to add paint, make certain it is a nontoxic paint and that it is Certified Toy Safe. Rust-Oleum has a line of water based paints, called Painter’s Touch, that is safe for toys and to be used in the nursery. Real Milk Paint is another option, just check to labels, as milk paint varies greatly from one brand to another.

Have fun creating wooded toys! You can handcraft toys for your loved ones that will never go out of style and that they will play with for years.

A Pinterest search will inspire you to get started on a new project. Here are some of the cute ones I found: