Category: A Few of Our Favorite Things

Kitchen Aprons

Kitchen Aprons

I have always had a fascination with kitchen aprons. Maybe it’s because my grandmothers both wore them. One wore the full apron usually and one the half. I remember several of them specifically-gingham with embroidery on the large pockets and pretty floral prints. Recently I…

Fun Baking Supply Websites

Fun Baking Supply Websites

As seasons change it is fun to explore new recipes! I like to look at baking and cooking websites to get ideas and just for the enjoyment of seeing what others have dreamed up. Here are three of my favorites: The Layer Cake Shop…

Happy Spring!!!!

Happy Spring!!!!

Happy first day of spring! Daffodils and tulips are starting to pop out of the ground and yesterday we had robins in our backyard! I am ready to start cleaning out the garden beds and planting new seeds and plants. No matter how old you are – it is always fun to play in the dirt! Especially when you reap beautiful flowers and delicious produce as a result.

As I was thinking about getting outside to “play” in the gardens, I decided to share some of my favorite gardening tools. The right tools make the jobs so much easier – and even more fun. Below are listed some of favorites:

Last year I bought these Duluth gardening overalls and they were great! They are made of ripstop fabric with a bit of spandex – so strong and comfortable. Plus they have 12 pockets and optional knee pads – which I would highly recommend – great when you are on your knees planting, weeding, or cleaning out garden beds.’s%2Bgardening%2Boverall&lang=default&start=1
Above photo from Duluth website.
I always thought all gardening hoes were the same – until I tried this one. No comparison to traditional ones I had used in the past. All three sides are sharpened – which makes it so much better when weeding, cutting out extra plants, and moving around dirt.
Photo from Amazon website
The next time you had to south Missouri, stop by the Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company. You can shop for seeds, walk around their gardens, and see farm animals in their pioneer village. Plus their catalog is so interesting – find plants you probably have never heard of. My son and daughter have had good success with their seeds.
Photo from Baker Creek Website
One of my new favorite gardening books – I learned so much! Check out The Gardener’s Workshop website – great books, online, classes, seeds, tools, and more.
Photo from The Gardener’s Workshop website.
My husband bought this shovel for me last year – and it is amazing! From little holes for bulbs to big holes planting trees, this shovel makes the job so much easier!
Photo from Amazon website.
I just got this in the mail – gardening basket from Burpee . I haven’t tried it yet, but it looks like the perfect basket to gather produce and then rinse it off outside.
Above photo from Burpee website.
My daughter, Emily, has started her seeds for the garden. Looks like a great selection!

Happy First Day of Spring & Happy Gardening!
Treasured Keepsakes

Treasured Keepsakes

My Grandma Honora Steinhauser always treasured cards and letters that were given to her. But this is a real treasure – this is a photo of the Valentine that my Grandpa Anthony Steinhauser created for her about a year before they were married. Remember to…